Saturday, June 14, 2008


My name is Madison,or more known as Maddy.I turned 12 today, and I feel more grown up.
I have a sometimes nice-but sometimes annoying brother.
my mom is the best woman you will ever meet and my dad is a strong believing pentecostal and I look up to both of my parents. my dad helps our pastor(pastor Pryor)like if he is gone or dad preaches or ends prayer meetings on Mondays, but he preaches like a pastor! My mom is a Sunday school teacher, who teaches 8 and 9 yr old. When I grow up I want to be a Sunday school teacher just like my mother.


Joe said...

WoW!!!! that is a great post,will be waiting for more. love Dad

Joe said...

thanks dad I love you alot!
- maddy

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog Maddy. I am sure one day you will be my grand children's Sunday school teacher.
Love U